Sunday, 5 September 2010


Wimbledon seems to be the centre of much action to do with the papal visit, with good reason: the Apostolic Nunciature on Parkside is where the Holy Father will be staying throughout the Visit.

Many of us will be gathering outside the Nunciature on the evening of Thursday 16th September, from around 9pm. If you're in the London area, come along, we will sing hymns, say the rosary, and hopefully enjoy the good weather on Wimbledon Common. Then at some point we will welcome the Holy Father.

Also, this coming Monday, Joanna Bogle brings word of a lovely preparatory event:

If you want to get in the mood for the Papal visit - and find out more about the
Pope, his life, his message - come along to the Sacred Heart parish centre, Edge
Hill, Wimbledon, SW19, on Monday, Sept 6th. We have a superb 60-minute DVD about
the Pope. Coffee and Bavarian chococolate cake. Admission £3.00 and proceeds
will go to the Maryvale Institute (the study centre established in the house
whjere John Henry Newman once lived). All welcome. Just turn up!

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