Tuesday 14 September 2010

The Trouble with the Pope

I watched some interesting telly yesterday evening- 'The Trouble With the Pope' on Channel 4 with Peter Tachell exploring the idea that the Holy Father's visit should not be welcomed to our country; laced with accusations that he is of unsavoury nature. Focusing mainly of Pope Benedict's views on homosexuality, scientific reseach and family planning, I was left shocked by the claims that Mr Thachell made and I do feel that he was misrepresenting the Church as an entire community and had chosen to take things out of context, but the doucumentary does rasie healthy debate and highlights that the Papal Visit is filtering its way through the media.

This should mean that when we go live by the end of the week, more people will be curious to watch coverage of the events and get involved as they are keen to see the flip side of Peter's arguments.

We must recognise that this negative and accusatory behaviour is just history repeating itself, people didn't like Jesus and he was persecuted for living a different way. We as a Church should not take this documentary and other programmes presenting themselves this week as a blow, but should welcome them as an opportunity to challenge our faith, to question the Church- something I feel can only strengthen our faith in Christ Jesus. We must see this finger-wagging as our burden, our cross in modern day society that we must carry- in a simliar way to Jesus' own plight that he went thorugh to save us all. We have to relish in this chance to grow spiritually in preparation of the Holy Father's arrival, not allow scepticism to dampen our spirits but refresh and renew our faith.

Just two days to go now.


  1. Very true Dani. Once Pope Benedict arrives, the mood will change, I predict.

  2. We all have free choice. The Catholic Church has always championed this. We also need and have the right- when available- to advice. Elders, have to instruct youngers in ways of wisdom, and the consequences of their actions, and their their impact on others.
    Some countries allow for no freedom of thought. some 'Faiths', also. The Catholic Church is one of the 'free' churches. A church of loving guidance. directed by Jesus Christ, it carries out its duty to show the way, which though hard, leads to ours and the world's happiness
    Mike D
